Sistem Tubliss complet - 21''

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Stoc Bucuresti
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TUbliss® is a full circumference pneumatic rim lock which secures the entire tire bead to the rim, completely eliminating the use of a conventional tube! TUbliss® completely replaces the conventional tube while delivering several key performance features that's scoring points and lap times with racers and riders everywhere.


   * Virtually flat proof
   * Runs cooler
   * Quicker acceleration
   * No pinched tubes
   * Reduces unsprung weight
   * Secures tire bead

A weight savings of up to 3 pounds per wheel instantly translates into less rotating weight and increases acceleration. Less unsprung weight allows significant suspension performance gains. Experts say that eliminating a pound of rotating unsprung weight is equivalent to dropping 5 pounds of static weight!

You have no tubes to be concerned with, so you'll never pinch a tube! Replace old technology with a stronger, modern and efficient system. Even if you get a tire puncture, the bead stays seated to the rim.

TUbliss really is virtually flat proof when used with a tire sealant. Sealants can't work on tubes where holes in the rubber stretch and tear. With TUbliss, your sealant works directly on the tire where it matters. Plus, the design of TUbliss helps keep the tire on the seated on the bead and sidewalls more stable, virtually making "flat wobbles" a thing of the past. Riders have reported riding longer and harder, completely unaware that they had a tire puncture.

Tubliss® secures the bead so securely that it allows a low tire pressure for improved straight line traction without the risk of a pinch flat or tire bead slippage!

Without the weight and friction of a conventional tube installed, tire temperatures are greatly reduced. This also eliminates tire pressure increases during the course of a moto.

TUbliss protects the rim from dings and dents by holding the tire firmly and making the sidewalls stay upright and absorb the full impact, unlike bending and deflection of conventional tubes.

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Produse cu disponibilitate " Stoc Bucuresti "

  • 1 - 2  zile prin curier pt prod. aflate in stoc Bucuresti (livrare prioritara)
  • 2 -  3 zile prin curier pt prod. aflate in stoc Bucuresti (livrare standard)

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  • 7 - 30 zile prin curier pt produsele ce nu se afla in stocul nostru in momentul plasarii comenzii**
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